Friday, December 10, 2010

DRAGGERS C.C. @ BottropKustomKulture 2011

Once upon a time there was a little bike show in Bottrop. Wanderers and outcasts traveled from far and wide to see the magical rides congregated there. Man and motorcycle were one, reveling and romping as the gods intended. There was peace, harmony, beer and busty babes to go around and they all lived happily ever after.... for the weekend. Alas, it was with heavy hearts the crowd straddled their bikes and embarked on the long journey home, back to the dismal grind of their everyday lives.
But do not despair fair readers, coming June 2011 the Draggers and TWT present to you: Motorcycles, Magic and More Vol. 2.
In addition to the general show area, there will be a party tent, which will serve as the new venue for our highly anticipated Bavarian Biker Bash and will also include a separate area for selected show bikes. Draggers own Dj Fuzzy Mike aka Motzmaster Mike aka Fuzzface Mike aka Mopedo aka Motzpedo aka Mopetto aka Motzi Kotzi will be rocking the turntables with the finest 60s garage, trash, punkrock, rock'n'roll and stoner tunes in the land. Eager beavers will be rewarded with prizes in more categories than last year and some bad ass trophies to decorate the shop or homestead. Should the weather gods grant us with fair skies, the annual Draggers 1/8 mile race will also take place. And for all ya'll sportsfans we'll have a Miniramp set up. Bring your own or rent from Black Deck Skateboards.
Once again, due to a limited amount of space (and possible taste discrepancies) only motorcycles which have been either invited or registered and approved prior to the show will be allowed on the grounds.
To register email sufficient information and most importantly photos to
Mustaches are mandatory.

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